Some pictures of the termatrac t3i in action. We were called in to located and kill live termites in a house in Boonah. Our Termatrac termite detection radar helped us pinpoint the locations of the termites and trace where they…

Some pictures of the termatrac t3i in action. We were called in to located and kill live termites in a house in Boonah. Our Termatrac termite detection radar helped us pinpoint the locations of the termites and trace where they…
Termite Detection Radar We have finally got our hands on the coveted Termatrac T3I Termite detection radar. Comprising of a Termite Detection Radar, Remote Thermal Sensor and Moisture Sensor. The T3I is one of the best termite inspection…
One of our many termite bait stations. This station is part of a system we installed at a property at Jimboomba. The station had only been installed for two weeks.
Some major Termite Damage to a townhouse kitchen. The external wall sheeting was buried into the soil covering the concrete slab. A perfect hidden access point for termites. This was only discovered when the shower above was under repair for…